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10 Things To Quit In 2017 If You Want To Live A Long, Healthy, Happy Life

Writer's picture: DennisDennis

Out with the Old

There’s no better time to let go than now.

If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you're fooling yourself. That's like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn't eat him.

As a wise person, we have to do what is right, while at the same time understanding that the majority of people won't do what's right. We have to be fair and just, even though most people are not fair and just.

Never expect a snake not to strike you because you are a good person. Likewise, don't expect the world to be fair just because you are fair. Life is not fair. If it were we would all have the rugged good looks of a movie star, wonderful health, and be millionaires.

Expecting others to live by your high standards and principles is only setting yourself up to be taken advantage of, or worse, to be easy pickings for predators. Expect nothing from others and you will not be disappointed. Trust, if you must, but always verify.

There are only few days left in 2017... just let that sink in. It is never too early to start thinking of resolutions or new, simple ways to change your habits for the upcoming year.

The following will be 10 things you should leave in 2017. Sure, none of them are tangible “things,” but just stay with me. I promise I won’t lead you down the wrong path.

1. Comparison

This is a hard one, especially for me. I am constantly trying to compare myself to other people and their successes.

Maybe it’s that one person at work (or school) that always seems better than you. Maybe it’s a friend’s relationship or a celebrity’s body. Or maybe you will do nothing but compare this year to 2017, or to any other year where things went better—or far worse.

In order to have a kick-ass year in 2018, you’re going to have to stop comparing. It’s the only way for you to actually appreciate you and everything you’ve done. You’re awesome. Own it.

2. Self-pity

Sure, throwing yourself a pity party every once-in-a-while is okay. But constantly feeling bad for yourself is going to make you seem like a giant douchebag among your friends and family. Pretty soon, those “pity parties” will turn into parties of one, as no one will really want to comfort you while you cry anymore.

I know life is hard. I know sometimes things don’t work out as planned. But hey, we all went through 2017 together, so whether we acknowledge it or not, we all went through a hardship. The best thing you can do is to try to make a change in your life so you don’t have to feel bad for yourself anymore.

3. Never-ending Complaints

This one sort of goes hand-in-hand with self-pity. First you feel endlessly sorry for yourself. Then all you can do is complain, complain and then complain some more to everyone within a one-mile radius of your shrill voice. Hell, even the grocery store checkout guy will probably hear your endless whining.

Maybe at first it was cute, but there’s no time for this shit in 2018. It’s time to strap on your adult overalls—a gender-neutral form of “big-girl panties”—and stop complaining. NOBODY CARES. Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh. But still.

Start being thankful for the life you have. Once you replace your complaints with gratitude, your worldview will substantially change.

4. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, etc.

I feel like a really common phrase last year was, “It’s 2017. Let’s stop (insert -ism here).

Well, it’s 2018 now and we still have some fundamental issues here in the U.S. No matter what race, gender or religious denomination you are, you need to understand that EVERYONE deserves to be loved and equal to each other.

5. Using electronics before bed.

You already know you should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Putting a moratorium on before-bed Instagram scrolling will help you turn in for the night more quickly, sure. But it can also help you get better quality Zs, Wider says, by lowering your exposure to sleep-disturbing blue light, which can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

6. Body Negativity

Sure, this seems self-explanatory, but to some it’s damn-near impossible. I know some people will want to shed dollars for their New Year’s resolutions, but this can be poisonous

News flash: Pretty much everything you see on social media, in movies, on TV and on the cover of magazines is fake. Acne is blurred, while love handles are curved into hourglass figures. Photoshop is getting more advanced by the day, so we need to focus on being resistant to comparing our bodies to those that are unrealistic. Love yourself, boo.

7. Unfair Judgement

So what if some girl wants to post a selfie with 10 pounds of makeup on? Maybe she wasn’t born with it, but she might have a passion for painting her face. So what if that guy loves posting Bible verses instead of rap lyrics? Let him be him.

Stop judging people who are different than you. Stay focused on bettering yourself and let others march to their own drum. By you making fun of or belittling someone for what they love doesn’t make you cool. It just makes you the gasoline to their fire.

8. Ignoring Mental Illness

Don’t just brush your issues under the rug. Talk to someone who will listen. 2018 is the year where you should be heard, not made to feel like a loser or someone who is “faking” depression/anxiety/etc.

9. Settling

In the past few years, have you felt unhappy with your relationship, job, living situation or friend group? Well guess what? ALL of those things are very temporary and can be changed.

It might not be easy to change them, but letting go of things that you have chosen to settle for is one of the most freeing things a person can do.

Make 2018 your year by choosing happiness and to finally get what you feel that you deserve. It might not happen automatically, but even slightly changing your mindset can make all the difference.

10. Holding Grudges

It’s a new year, which means there are blank pages in a 365-page journal for you to fill with memories and happiness. Do you want to automatically have those pages filled with bullshit from the past or things you can’t let go of? I know I don’t.

Maybe you have an ex or a family member who you swore you’d never forgive. Forgive them. Maybe you have an old best friend or a co-worker who did you wrong. Let it go.

It doesn’t have to be verbal. In fact, you don’t even have to let them know if you’re uncomfortable. But by knowing in your heart that you have moved on, you will feel so much better. Give up the ghosts of your pasts. It’s time to begin again.

Feel free to leave a comment on what you wish to leave behind.



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